•  hedge   ( @hedge@beehaw.org ) 
    221 month ago

    From Wikipedia: The Ludwig von Mises Institute for Austrian Economics, or Mises Institute, is a nonprofit think tank headquartered in Auburn, Alabama, that is a center for Austrian economics, radical right-wing libertarian thought and the paleolibertarian and anarcho-capitalist movements in the United States. It is named after the economist Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973) and promotes his version of heterodox Misesian Austrian economics.

    •  Amoxtli   ( @Amoxtli@thelemmy.club ) OP
      1 month ago

      Ludwig Von Mises was a highly educated man and spoke post college level English and his native tongue, German. Are you sure you want to compare credentials? Joe Biden speaks well below high school level. Joe has nothing on a genius. His economic advisor is an embarrassment to responsible statecraft. The meritless kakistocracy that democratic Marxist activism promotes, for example DEI, promoting based on social justice instead of merit. Mises was a great man, Biden is a mediocre man who is elected by people who consider themselves less than him.

      • Ahhh, and the self report comes out - as it always does.

        defending a right wing think tank

        uses a false definition of DEI to strawman against it

        having no idea what Marxism is

        Nice try, fascist! That shit doesn’t work on intelligent people. Only yall.

        I bet you fancy yourself as one, eh?

      • Dude what the HECK lol. You gotta subtle it up my man.

        You gotta say something along the lines of, no I’m just a good concerned native English speaker citizen of the United States and I feel like both sides are sliding into fascism and just, Biden’s so old, and anyway what about Gaza, and I’m so concerned and turned off from politics in general, I mean I don’t feel like it matters, blue MAGA, amirite, etc etc and so on stuff like that.

        If you lead off right away with kakistocracy democratic Marxism social justice you’re gonna get all these Lemmy people saying fuck yeah Marxism let’s get some Marxism and social justice up in here, but you’re wrong tho Biden WISHES he was a Marxist, anyway viva la revolución