•  Baggins   ( @baggins@beehaw.org ) 
    715 days ago

    That is good news.

    Cynical me says there’s some sort of catch though. They are commiting themselves to sell fewer phones. How else are they going to make their money?

    Then again perhaps they are accepting they can’t keep going on as they have been.

    • Through subscriptions. Both Google and Samsung are focusing heavily on that at the moment. That’s also why their unique software features are often free at first. If Galaxy AI started off as a monthy subscription everyone would ignore it but their plan is to get you reliant on it then introduce a fee.

    • I see it as the other way around. People are going to keep their phones for longer whether or not they fix the security issues that emerge. It’s better to fix the issues, to improve user perception and user experience.

      Smart phones are on increasingly longer replacement cycles before the announcement. Perhaps they see the writing on the wall.