It’s been an interesting 10-ish days on the internet in general. Big thanks to for hosting It’s a cool community, and I’m really enjoying the fediverse thus far. Looking forward to seeing how it develops!

  • Going pretty well. I was already familiar with fediverse which helps. It can still get a bit confusing. Jeroba on Android is a pretty good app. I’d like to start submitting content so I can leave Reddit for good.

    • Yeah, content submission is a little wonky from mobile still, so I’ve mainly been commenting. I added a couple from the desktop browser and it’s good.

      Just trying to engage with posts I like to keep activity up.

      • I want to submit items to this instance to help it grow but there aren’t very many communities. Any suggestions? For example I have some stuff that I would normally post to the TheNightFeeling subreddit but I’d like to post it here. Is there a general sub I can post it in?