• Being told to kill ones self over slight nuances is childish, says more about them then you.

    But like someone else has said politics is inescapable.

    Man is by nature a political animal


    Everything that makes you and everything that will make you, is political. even if I choose to live in a forest on my own without contact would be a political choice and further actions born from that choice would continue to be political.

    • even given that fact, we’ve created science, and managed to create some of the most advanced, and incredible things in the world. Our level of technical complexity is unmatched by anything in our observable universe, to our knowledge.

      I’m not sure it’s impossible to consider politics, without politics. Even if just for the purpose of a thought experiment.

      • Maybe its the broadness of the word politics. As its extensive and easy to get hooked up on politics being old men farting in a room deciding on whether or not to rase the retirement age.

        In that case I understand what your saying, so if we sent children to colonise another planet and these children miraculously had no understanding of prior generation or the world they’d come from we would soon see a system form akin to politics most likely archaic but would continue to evolve and would govern the lives of generations, this colony would most likely (if they survive) go on to create science, maths and build systems to interpret the world around them and all this governed by politics.