•  twinnie   ( @twinnie@feddit.uk ) 
    401 month ago

    Tbf I’m okay with a lot of this stuff as long as it stays local on your own PC and you have control over it. However I don’t trust MS to implement it in a way that doesn’t prioritise their profits over my privacy.

    • Furthermore, I don’t trust Microsoft to not do a gigantic oopsie and introduce a bug that emails screenshots of porn websites I visited to my Mum or some shit. Their QC is abhorrent.

    • I’m okay with a lot of this stuff as long as it stays local on your own PC

      Until MS makes an oopsie and leaks everything and not a single fuck is given by your local government.

      Much like Apple is dealing with right now.

      I’d also be very unsurprised to learn that MS is harvesting the metadata. “Private” and “secure”, much like WhatsApp.

    • Available information indicates that it’s all processed and stored on-device (and even encrypted). I’ll wait for confirmation from security researchers, but the available information I’ve come across says that it’s all done locally.