• You know, Spain and the entire EU has been going on real hard about Taiwan lately, maybe they should address things like… Catalonia.

    Or the UK with Northern Ireland.

    Or the US with Hawai’i, oh but it’s only the Indigenous Hawaiians that want independence so who cares. Same with Alaska, go and ask any Inuit community if they like being an oil state or not. Actually, ask any Indigenous people in the US if they like being in the US. Same with Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

    Call it whataboutism all you want, but I’m one of those weird people who think that there’s something to be said about if you accuse another country of human rights abuses, whether they’re true or not, maybe you shouldn’t do the exact same thing. It’s kind of like you’re accusing someone of killing people while jamming a knife into someone else’s chest, is that whataboutism?

    Hint, both Taiwan and HK are much more independent from Mainland China than Catalonia, Northern Ireland, Hawai’i, or Alaska, or any Indigenous nation, from their respective ruling countries.