• obvious privacy concerns aside, who the hell actually needs this?

    If something I do is important enough to remember later, I do save it (bookmark, screenshot, screencast, whatever). This doesn’t need to be automated, esp. since it seems to require 25-50 GB of diskspace to do anyway.

    For users, this is a solution seeking for a problem. For megacorpo this is just more data harvesting, even if it’s “only local” for now. Hard pass, nopety-nope-nope, also arch btw and so forth.

    • If something I do is important enough to remember later, I do save it (bookmark, screenshot, screencast, whatever

      Sure, assuming you realize at that moment that you’ll need it later. That’s not what this is for.

    • I also hate every part of this and will turn it off as soon as it shows up.

      But in terms of who actually wants this. If an AI assistant were to exist, and if it was actually going to be useful to someone, it would need to know just about everything in your life. At least in theory… In order for an assistant to be useful you would want to be able to ask it “what was Italian restaurant I was thinking of trying” and you would want a response.

      I’m not sure this privacy nightmare of an implementation is the correct path to that, but that’s roughly what I suspect the desired outcome is.

    • For my work PC I feel like this could be really handy honestly. If it actually worked. Which AI never reliably does (nor Microsoft for that matter). AI feels like a pyramid scheme to me at this point, I mean this is bad and I get that, I’m just being honest. But I’ve never been able to get it to do something I actually wanted to that wasn’t more than a simple task.

      But then all this said, any desire is immediately cancelled when I think about stuff like my work could probably use this to spy on me, and I’m pretty sure this means somebody could spy on my work, so I’m not so sure they’d be super for this tech either.