• The insistance on trans supporters to have mtf trans compete against cis women begs the question, are the TERF the enemies of the trans community, or vice-versa? Most TERFs I know have nothing against trans people per se, but hate that this century long fight for women’s rights is being syphoned away. Look at reproductive rights in the USA, as a prime example. You can’t just say “trans rights are human rights” and think everything is solved for women. I think TERFs have a point: feminism and trans rights are both important but orthogonal, yet the former seems to have been thrown under the bus in many ways.

    • but hate that this century long fight for women’s rights is being syphoned away

      This is a TERFy transphobic lie. It relies on the assumption that giving rights to trans women is necessarily taking away cis women’s rights.

      • Yet here we are, cis women complaining about trans women in sport, gender neutral bathroom not allowing women from having a space separated from men (cis or not).

        But my main point was the people’s attention more than women losing rights. And the fact is, that the only time you ever hear about feminism… Is when a TERF says something transphobic.

        I’m not hear to defend a behaviour but merely to shade some light on “all TERFs are transphobic”.