So… not compulsory then? Or do you just get fined or something? Anyway, earliest policy U-turn of the Conservative campaign so far - will it be their best?

  •  HumanPenguin   ( ) 
    4 months ago

    So a fine. And when poverty stricken youngsters fail to pay that fine. Removal directly from their benifits. Or garnish wages.

    So basically a cheap pass for the wealthy. Screw the poor as normal.

    Edit: What makes this worse. Its just more of the tories trying to ignite another culture war.

    They picked on disabled as after 14 years of crap. Few sane disabled people have any hope of voting tory. So let’s use them as a victim to convince everyone they are scroungers.

    Now rather then trying to inspire the young to vote tory. They attack them with oxymoron mandatory vollenteer work. In an attempt to win back boomer votes who see all youth entitled and as in need of teaching a lesson.

    Rather then admit the harm the last 40 plus years of voting, has done to the future of our youth.

    And honestly as a 53yo. It is not like the current housing costs and climate crap. Has not been predicted since the 1970s. Voters my age and older have been working to ignore this for generations.