•  Banzai51   ( @Banzai51@midwest.social ) 
    1 month ago

    I love how you don’t highlight the Israelis murdered in the rocket attacks and other activities that kicked this latest round of conflict off. Almost like the usual suspects don’t care if Israelis die. The whole, “we don’t believe in mass murder” is complete bullshit. You just want one side to win and you don’t give a shit how.

    • Why do you assume that pro-Palestinian people = pro-Hamas? How many dead Israeli people is enough to justify genocide? Nobody is saying that Hamas are the good guys, but they do often say they understand the material realities that created them (Israeli state actions). Everyone I know that is saying don’t commit genocide also say it is not OK for Hamas to kill civilians, often in the same breath.

      Edit: Some data for context


    • Latest round, meaning October 7, or Rafah? Because according to the IDF, the recent rocket attacks out of Rafah didn’t injure anyone.

      And if you’re treating an occupying force as being the same as the occupied population that is resisting them, you’re starting from a false premise of innocence.

      Is it alright for Hamas to kill civilians? Of course not. Is it okay for them to attack Israel with the means they have available to them, when they are being regularly attacked by Israel? Of course. They’re both evil, but one is much more understandably so, assuming you don’t for instance think Nat Turner was wrong for fighting his oppressors?