• Your info is out of date, now the cia is pushing “cultural genocide” because “genocide” was remarkably uncredible. Remember the delegations of Muslim countries to the region?

    Incredible if you believe tankie news sources, maybe?

    Hong Kong was a British colony that is part of mainland China. They’re Chinese. Integrating them into the wider system is a step in erasing the legacy of colonialism in China.

    Integrating…by force. Sounds like they are continuing the legacy of colonialism to me. “They’re Chinese” lol, they were perfectly happy existing with their freedoms intact. But I guess the CCP feels that they own all the Chinese people and have a right to subjugate them?

    Literally name a country that doesn’t do this lol. Here in the US local police have off the books torture and indefinite detention facilities

    There’s a difference between rogue behavior at a local scale and official policy at a country-wide scale.

        • Oh you are challenging the wrong person on this one bub. Can you point out Grenada? How about Marshall Islands? Nauru? Kiribati (pronounced like Gilbert’s), Comoros? How about where Japan ends and Russia begins?

          Sun Tzu says don’t underestimate your opponent. Pretty sound advice.

          The people of Taiwan disagree with your sentiment. Some think that the ROC is the true government of China, others think that Taiwan and China are now two separate countries, but, go figure, officially saying so would instigate a hostile reaction from the PRC.

          So it seems that they’re under a bit of duress to acquiesce to the PRC line, no?