• I was an early Lemmy user, and joined back when .ml was basically the only choice.

    It was weird, but the thing that really got me considering a different instance was just how many words they added to their censor list.

    I messaged the admins and told them that it wasn’t a great system, because it censors posts with “removed” whenever a forbidden word is used, and because of that I can’t tell the difference between someone saying “bitch” and someone saying the n-word. How am I supposed to know whether or not to report such a comment if the offense part is obscured. “What a stupid removed” could be slightly sexist, or indefensibly racist.

    They told me “All slurs are bad, you should report those comments just the same”.

    Ay, fuck you guys, the words I gave you as examples are absolutely not equally bad, or at least, anyone with a functioning brain wouldn’t make that argument…