• I use it almost daily.

    It does produce good code. It does not reliably produce good code. I am a programmer, it makes my job 10x faster and I just have to fix a few bugs in the code it usually generates. Over time, I learned what it is good at (UI code, converting things, boilerplate) and what it struggles with (anything involving newer tech, algorithmic understanding, etc.)

    I often refer to it as my intern: It acts like an academically trained, not particularly competent, but very motivated, fast typing intern.

    But then I am also working on the field. Prompting it correctly is too often dismissed as a skill (I used to dismiss it too). It needs more understanding than people give it credit for.

    I think that like many IT tech it will go from being a dev tool to everyday tool gradually.

    All the pieces of the puzzle to be able to control a computer by voice using only natural language are there. You don’t realize how big it is. Companies haven’t assembled it yet because it is actually harder to monetize on it than code it. I think probably Apple is in the best position for it. Microsoft is going to attempt and will fail like usual and Google will probably put a half-assed attempt at it. I’ll personally go for the open source version of it.

    •  golden_zealot   ( @golden_zealot@lemmy.ml ) 
      4 months ago

      Yea, having worked in the IT field and knowing a few languages myself, I think that as far as code goes, it can be ok for basically laying out the structure of what you are trying to do. It’s typically the details that it misses in my experience. In that sense, it definitely can be used similarly to an IDE.

    • Hey I heard that intern metaphor before somewhere… No Boilerplate?

      EDIT: Dumb me, I replied before reading the enitre message. What you say is exactly how I feel, there are some real big possibilities here. Currently the closest thing to that using a computer with only your voice would be something like ollama combined with open web ui and their calling feature and some tool functions.