Fifty-eight percent of GOP voters said in the new survey convicted felons should be allowed to become president if they are elected. YouGov noted that just 17 percent of Republicans held that opinion in April.

In February, 34 percent of GOP voters said criminality was among their least desired traits. Now, 19 percent say the same.


  •  t3rmit3   ( ) OP
    9 months ago

    Really, they’re much more open to change than us stodgy Progressives are; they’ll literally change their basic morals in a matter of months! (White) Crime? No problem! Police? First they’re friends, then after J6 they’re fascists, then after the campus protests they’re friends again! If Jesus ever comes back (and they can’t kill him), they’ll change their tune on him as well!

    Us damn LIbRuLs on the other hand are so stick-in-the-mud, we won’t even go along with one little genocide, even if our Boss says it’s necessary!