Hey all! Currently looking at getting back into reading books and not spending as much time online.

Figured I’d ask if anyone knows any good “furry” fiction that you’d recommend to the community in general.

EDIT: This post doesn’t seem to be federating correctly, and seems stuck on beehaw… Odd.

  • There are tons listed on this site: https://baddogbooks.com

    I really liked “Light on Shattered Water” The main protag. isn’t furry, but everyone else are felines.

    It’s about a human who for an unknown reason found itself in a world populated by anthro felines. The main character has to adapt to this new reality and has to learn how this society functions. It’s pretty graphic tho, the human gets critically wounded multiple times, and there are a few sex scenes.

    There’s also a continuation that closes the story, but after the first book it’s somewhat repetitive and gets boring.

    If you are looking for something as bit more lighthearted: “The Calatians” series was very nice to read.

    It’s set in a society divided between humans and anthros, where the anthros are seen as a lesser species just slightly above slave status. It’s also on earth back in the 1800s and has magic. The story is about a young fox boy trying to get into a sorcery college when magic is reserved for humans. It’s a 4 book series and i loved it from A to Z, the struggle of trying to prove yourself to humanity and obtain more rights for your specie.