• I doubt that for two reasons:

      • There’s no non-admin way for an app to discern if it’s a firewall block, or a legitimate no-internet situation (i.e. didn’t purchase in-flight WiFi). It would also look really bad PR-wise if a company banned customers just because their internet went down or was otherwise spotty.

      • How would they even know? Their software can’t tattle on me if it’s been blocked from establishing a connection.

      • Well, the software knows if it has access. Like you would know if you don’t have access to their files, when trying to access. I didn’t say they could detect this reliably, just that it would violate the agreement, in which case they have the right to terminate the access.

        Maybe this is only about access to files saved on their server and not locally on your drive. In that case, this doesn’t matter to our discussion. But if they access your drive, as the previous comment suggested it silently by blocking access with a firewall, then one should be ready to get banned doing so. Maybe there is even a software installed on your machine that checks this… You wouldn’t know, because its all closed source.