• I can’t bring myself to feel sorry for Adobe users, which unfortunately include my wife. Same goes for any of the other shit services out there. It takes determination and self-control to move away from all that crap, but as a person that sees himself with less self-determination than most, I was able to pull it off, so those that don’t can enjoy their hostage position.

        • I moved away from Windows as much as I can and now I maintain a dualboot just for Photoshop and Lightroom. I think compared to average people I’m doing quite well conviction wise.

          I also use Gimp as much as I can. Unfortunately for processing hundreds of photos Rawrherapee + Gimp is not a viable option for me. There are problems both with quality and speed. (Gimp is the problem for speed and RT or DT for the lack of quality due to weak highlight reconstruction)

          • I understand. I consider myself blessed that anything I need is actually much more performant and easier to use the foss optiins than any of their proprietary counterparts, but I’m also aware that is not the case for some people.

            I hope those irreplaceable pieces of software you need at least start getting ported over to be supported on Linux.