Just curious on what everyone’s high-level thoughts are on how they’re feeling on AEW’s current path/decisions/roster/etc. now that we’ve had a taste on how they’re going to go forward in this new situation of two ‘primary’ shows.

It’s seeming like there won’t be too much of a ‘brand split’ in the traditional sense, what with Acclaimed and Punk both being implied to be at Dynamite this Wednesday, so I’m curious as to how they handle things in that regard going forward, whether there will be relatively stable rosters for each that just tend to be on each show and some crossovers, or if it will be entirely freeball with the shows just filling up more haphazardly.

All things considered, personally I’m a fan of the structure that comes with a more hardline brand split, and how it forces shows to make more space for the lowercard just by necessity, so I was a bit sad to see it doesn’t appear to be going that way, but I’m hopeful they can go an interesting direction with things under the current arrangement.

  • Still feels a little early for me to form an opinion, especially with Forbidden Door going on. Collision feels different already, I’m just curious what that will mean for its storylines and roster. I like the idea of a kind of soft split where champs might be seen on any show, but other roster members might spend months on just one show. We’ll see!