He should’ve said, ‘Look, I was very fortunate growing up, there’s no point denying that. What I want is for every child to have the opportunities I had, that’s why our policy is to blah, blah first-time buyers blah tax, etc., unlike Labour who want blah VAT on private schools, blah’.

Instead, he gets immediately rattled and starts gibbering at the first follow-up question. He is just the worst.

By the way, this is the interview he thought was so important he had to run away from Normandy to do it. Apparently, it wasn’t important enough for him to do any prep.

  • Is he trying to throw this election?

    I mean, I’m delighted that every time he opens his mouth they drop another 3 points in the polls, but I’ve no fathomable idea how a man can be so utterly useless. It’s like he doesn’t only not want to be PM any more, but he doesn’t want to be official opposition either. Like he just wants to go back to his nice mansion and lie on a big bed of money doing fuck all.

        •  frog 🐸   ( ) 
          321 days ago

          I’m beginning to wonder if he’s trying to throw it intentionally, and as badly as possible, so that he vindictively destroys the careers of all the MPs who have done nothing but plot to stab him in the back since the moment he became leader. There was a rather telling moment (yesterday I think) when he listed previous home secretaries but pointedly skipped Nutella Braverman. Sunak is certainly tetchy enough to go “fine, I’m going down and I’m taking you all with me!”