the Logitech F710 is a solid controller to get if you’re on a tight budget, but perhaps not exactly the type of equipment you want to stake your life on. […] Reviewers on sites like Amazon frequently mention issues with the wireless device’s connection.

The reporter, who followed an expedition of the Titan from the launch ship, wrote that “it seems like this submersible has elements of MacGyver jerry-riggedness.”

  • There’s nothing wrong with using a game controller to steer the thing, I think the issue is more the lack of backup or failsafes.

    Also, I’m very much a layperson in this field, but would it have not made sense to tether this thing to a ship on the surface? They could have kept in contact with the surface via the tether and had them reel the thing back in if there were problems with its propulsion or steering.

    I saw the video of its interior. As someone who has claustrophobia, it’s absolute nightmare fuel. It’s a cylinder about 15 feet long and maybe 6 feet wide that you can’t even stand up in. It’s going to be very unpleasant for 5 people.