Uber’s reply to the new laws.

  • If you don’t think that’s a solvable problem, you haven’t been paying attention. Especially in a city where the software can even pre-map where the roads are in comparison to the buildings in order to not need lane markers at all during adverse weather conditions.

    It’s only a matter of time before they can handle more difficult weather conditions. It’s not like humans do a particularly good job when it snows, so it should be pretty easy to beat their performance by simply slowing down more.

    • in order to not need lane markers at all during adverse weather conditions

      Considering that this is still in bleeding pre-alpha and nowhere near production-ready, much less actually in any consumer vehicles whatsoever, makes it a non-option.

      And we have these things called snowstorms and fog, which can obscure buildings, and things called snowdrifts that can radically alter the look of the landscape.

      Once this tech is actually in a production vehicle, then we can talk. But they have been working on “driverless tech” for almost 70 years now, and it’s still a crayon-munching, glue-sniffing menace to safety, capable of going totally off the rails at the slightest provocation. Hell, it has been shown to accelerate the car TOWARDS stationary obstacles.