• We have this shit at work, they make it incredibly hard to get a fucking attachment as a real attachment instead of a link to their cloud

    Specially annoying since my organization is “geofence” but we work with people all over the world… So MS insists on switching attachments to links nobody can open outside my country

    • Blame your company for not configuring that shit, or choosing to let MS handle it all.

      Personally, no company should be using Office 365 and external mail. Bring that shit back in house.

      No Know (wtf autoincorrect?) why bringing it in house costs more? Because it’s worth it, for the control.

      • I speak from experience that no one other than professionals should be handling their own mail servers in 2024. I worked for a mail host. The amount of spam and attacks that befall a mail provider, even a small one, is bonkers. Plus, mail is just too damn important.

        I wish it wasn’t the case because the idea of everyone privately hosting their own mail servers would be pretty awesome. Sadly the modern internet makes it way too risky.

        • God if that isn’t the truth. We changed from Thryv to rackspace and we went from zero spam to 30 a day and this is AFTER they block a bunch. Waste of my time every day having to go through them.

      • Tomato potato… My company uses MS because it’s the fucking industry default and it sucks

        I would put more onus on them if we were talking about some niche thing they refused to give up. But MS is what everyone uses and they wouldn’t be able to ditch it altogether because MS has a monopoly

      • Yes but If you chose the full attachment, half the time I just get the link

        This is because MS will force it if they think the attachment is an odd extension or too big or whatever

        • I think this it not necessarily a bad thing. Worked in an office where they produce GB of CAD files. Sending it as attachment would fail for most clients because of their mailbox size, and receiving it also sucks because it would clog the local outlook inbox file, and everything would crawl to a halt when you open Outlook in the morning.

        • No, it only does it when it is too big. And that is very convenient rather than it trying to send your message and then giving you a failure notice. Why are you bitching about features that actively make your life easier?

          There is a lot to bitch at M$ about, but this is not one of them.

              • Yeah, it sure does sound like it would be hard to have a notification if the attachment is going to fail due to size policies, and then have an option to use the link or cancel the attachment (and have you choose another way). It would also be unheard of for there to be a setting in that dialog to say to always do whatever action you take so it only inconveniences those who go with the default once.

                User-hostile software is never a “you” problem. This applies to a number of FOSS products, as well.

                • If that were the case, it would confuse users. It would be flooded with tickets about the weird notification that they got and didn’t read and how they can’t attach files anymore.

                  “Cancel the link attachment”???

                  Fucking press backspace! Jesus Christ, did you just get your first computer ever? I’m getting the picture that critical thinking isn’t really your forte.

                  • If you wish to talk about critical thinking, look at your own statements with respect to mine. Not once did I say cancel thenlink attachment, but this thing I didn’t say sure got you upset. Moreover, I wasn’t writing a formal specification. I’m sorry your assuming the worst and least likely meaning of what I thought was a pretty simple statement triggered you so badly.

                • Nope, I just deal with OneDrive support constantly and I can say definitively that it’s pretty decent at what it does, and if the links you are getting or sending are not working, it is your fault.

                  If you want to bitch about something substantive, how about bitching about how 365 has like 20 admin panels that are opaque about what they are and what they do, terrible menu layouts in those menus, etc.

                  That stuff is a very real problem.

                  Some boomer who can’t figure out how cloud drives work is not a real issue.

          • Yes, that’s what MS thinks… Yet that’s not the case as I can successfully get the files off SharePoint to my PC and then email them

            The issue is MS doing this on its own accord and without proper warning or way to permanently override