For those who don’t know what I mean:

target hardware for LMDE is an 8 year old nuked mac notebook with an intel chip.

I’ve always used xfce because it’s easy on the hardware and I don’t care that much about looks, but functionality.

I’ve never used cinnamon and I don’t know if it’s going to slow the notebook much.

Neither do I know if I can install LMDE and then change the DE to xfce.

Is LMDE being updated like the other mints? LMDE is version 6, whereas the other DE are version 21.3

  •  pbjamm   ( ) 
    49 months ago

    I suggest trying Cinnamon and see how it feels. Unless your old notebook has less than 2GB RAM then you will probably be aok. I have run it on some pretty weak machines before and never found XFCE to be noticeably snappier.