• Had they read the message, it would have saved them a lot of time waiting for the solution that would have been near instantaneous otherwise. But their 0.5% is more important to them than your 99.5%. Hopefully they’re really good at bringing money into the company, because their ability to save labor money for the company is abysmal.

    • Hopefully they’re really good at bringing money into the company, because their ability to save labor money for the company is abysmal.

      I was asked to drive 80m to reboot a device when I’d said the previous day that rebooting would fix it (it was a phone; there’s almost no real troubleshooting on the platform). I kept quiet about how financially irresponsible the request was. When I got there, the phone was already turned off for other reasons. At least I got to listen to podcasts while I drove there and back.