•  lilja   ( @lilja@lemmy.ml ) 
    3 months ago

    I loathe the wording that’s been normalised around tracking. The options for the upcoming dialog are “Allow” or “Ask app not to track”.

    Why the fuck do I need to ask, as if the app is free to deny my humble request not to be spied upon? The whole tracking industry is awash with weasel words and vagueness in an effort to have us make ill-informed decisions.

    Fucking parasites.

    • I think it is this way because Apple thought it would be misleading if the option was “deny tracking”, because there isn’t a specific technical mechanism to ensure that. It’s unfortunate but I’d rather it was honest than lied.

    • I came across a website today that had on off toggles for all their stuff cookies. When you clicked the toggle the colors of the “x” and the check mark changed between purple and black. I could not tell which was off and which was on. It made me very angry