Today is World Rainforest Day!

  •  bull⚡   ( ) 
    1015 days ago

    I have returned from the Lightscape thing. I haven’t walked that far or up so many hills for… way too long. I am very sore.

    Event was a nice family-friendly affair where we’re shuffled through the gardens like cattle. Some of it was kinda meh but other bits had really cool effects. Pretty great food and drink options. Not as blatantly expensive as it could have been for that stuff. I was there with my sister, bro in law and niece.

    Pretty pricey tickets though. A little cheaper on a weeknight.

        •  Baku   ( ) OP
          314 days ago

          Ah, cool. Had a look and I don’t think it’s my vibe, but I might go sometime before it finishes. I think I’m keen to go to firenight, which seems to be in a similar vein, except it’s fire and free

          •  bull⚡   ( ) 
            314 days ago

            The Docklands one? It’s pretty shit lol My apartment looks down on where it’s held and each year I pop down purely to say that I did but just keep your expectations real low.

            It is indeed free so might as well check it out if you’re not doing anything, even just to say you did.

            •  Baku   ( ) OP
              214 days ago

              It was actually the first event I went to after moving to Melbourne. I went in 2019. I honestly liked it, but there’s probably some rose tint on my glasses.

              But I’ll be going with a friend, so worst case we can always just spend the whole night shit talking the event and eating overpriced garbage food