• That’s exactly what tens if not hundreds of thousands of young Greeks have done in the last 15 years.

      Greece has a brain drain problem. This ridiculous measure is actually sold by the government as an attempt to address the shortage of certain skilled worker categories. By … incentivizing the few that are left to pack up and leave. In practice, it’s just class warfare.

      The Greek ruling class is a bunch of grifters, landlords, smugglers and gangsters (always have been, since 1830) and they are basically betting on a “recovery” based on cheap labour.

          • If you had a job that could sustain you and you get a new job within EU that can also sustain you, it’s about as expensive as you would expect a long distance move to be. There’s no system in place as far as I know to block you from getting permanent residency in another EU country because you don’t have starting money. That’s just your inherent responsability to figure out like with any move.

      • A good example of how this is not the case is the UK and Dentists. When Brexit hit and they left the EU (picture if the right in the US had their immigration way), a ton of immigrant Dentists had to leave. It was easy to stay before because of the EU. Now there is a huge shortage of dentists. Surprise surprise.