• The space race is on. That’s why Starship has been launching so much. Someone at the FAA must have finally realized that if SpaceX doesn’t go ahead at full SpaceX speed, we’re gonna see China take over space.

      They’ve got a space station and a rover on the moon. China will easily overtake us in space, has already in a few places.

        • Oh yes, this is a competition, and someone is going to win it.

          There are lots of resources out there. Far more than here. Most of “the world” is out there. This is happening whether we like it or not.

          And all the “dick waggling” is steps on the path to it happening. Funny flesh images, homoerotic shaming, whatever this dick talk is about whenever space comes up, none of it changes the serious nature of what’s going on in space.

          • Lmao it would be more economical to colonize the ocean floor than space. Extracting resources from space isn’t happening any time soon, no amount of musks copium will fix that.

            The “serious nature” of what’s happening in space is an accelerating geopolitical posturing. Nothing any country is doing right now are the things they’d do if they seriously intended to settle space.

            If the intent of course was to show off military might, ruin the the space treaty for colonialization and imperialism, and attempt brinksmamship, well they are coincidentally working down the checklist!