• As the kind of person who is targeted by rising fascism, I would prefer you did not speak for us. I am firmly against gun ownership. The statistics show that having a gun on you makes you less safe, not more.

    • As the kind of person who is targeted by rising fascism, I would prefer you did not speak for us.

      As someone who knows that you have no idea what “kind of person” @kool_newt@beehaw.org is… I would suggest you don’t act like you can take away someones voice on behalf of “your” category of people.

      Nobody can speak for a whole race, color, creed, type, or any other aggregate of people that includes the “whole” of people. They very well could be “vulnerable” themselves and you’ve just dismissed their statement in the affirmative against your stance.

      And to preempt it. You also don’t know who/what I am. So don’t bother with your crappy logic on me either.