Mayor Adrian Schrinner says property owners would now need appropriate planning approvals, body corporate support and a 24-7 property manager for short-term rentals

Hard to argue tbh… Is there a negative to something like this I’m not aware of?

Personally I think Airbnb is the stupidest thing going. You pay more than hotel rates, to live in a house you have to clean and tidy yourself and then pay cleaning fees on top, and its often a hassle if anything goes wrong as there’s no responsible party you can approach - Airbnb shrug their shoulders, and the host just hides behind a mobile number they can conveniently turn off.

Have used them a couple of times in the past purely because we had pets and I hated it.

  • Yeah completely agree. There are a wide range of policies that can help out with our current housing crisis. Many of which will have varying impacts depending not just on how they themselves are implemented, but on which other policies are enacted alongside them, with some policies helping to reinforce each other as more than the sum of their parts.

    This one I think is worth doing, because it will help. But it’s also likely to be one of the smaller impacts of the various things I can think of. The article says that they are aware of just 400 places right now. Doubtless it will end up being more than that, but that still gives you the sense of just how small it’ll really be.

    •  No1   ( ) 
      3 months ago

      It really feels like a ‘Do something, anything!’ situation.

      To use a cricket analogy, take any easy singles now, and you can hit the boundaries when(if?) they come.