• Sunflowers/ sunflower oil is produced in abundance

    wheat/flour also

    chernobyl is there

    Stalins soviet unión starved it’s people to death

    the people could have chosen a leader to lick putins ass, but instead chose democracy and voted in a former comedian

    2016 (14?) armed forces looked like a cast off of old soviet era gear, they saw what was coming and changed/started modernización

    And also one of my absolute favorite paintings is from there (the second one still is, they relocated it at the start of the war)


    Huh…im no scholar but i know a little more about Ukraine than i thought.

      • I worked with Ukrainian immigrants decades ago and found them all to be extremely easy to converse with. They do almost all the work for you and their sense of humour is top notch. TBH you really could ask that question and they’d laugh, make some quip, share their sandwich and next thing you know you’re having dinner at their place tomorrow.