For those wanting to build a Wayland-only Linux desktop experience without carrying any aging X11 baggage, GNOME 47 will be able to optionally offer Wayland-only support without carrying X11/X.Org support. This Mutter merge request landed today that allows compiling Mutter with X11 support disabled. That landed today along with this GNOME Shell merge request for being able to disable X11 support too.

  •  wer2   ( ) 
    1410 days ago

    XOrg is my daily driver for these reasons:

    1. I mostly use XFCE, which doesn’t have Wayland yet
    2. last time I tried Wayland (long time ago now on Gnomr), it was buggy and didn’t work
    3. I don’t change my setups that much, so I haven’t tried it since
    4. I don’t need the features Wayland offers/XOrg covers my use cases
    5. Wayland drama

    That being said, I have no fundamental opposition to Wayland, and will probably use it someday.