hello im a young adult and ive been wanting to sell/make money but i stink at everything and i have autism which makes things harder for me. etsy looks so cool, but they seem really overcrowed how are you even suppose to stand out on etsy?

ive know a few people who tried selling on etsy but they all failed and im afraid i might also fail, also etsy costs money to post on. are there alternatives or is etsy the best, also do you have any tips or something you would like to share about etsy?

also are there better places to post this at?

  • See if you have a local gaming shop or maybe even a 2nd hand store that gets a lot of games. You might have to sort other things as well but you’ll get so see all the old retro games and help price them (or even get to take them home!). It’s something that’s rhythmic while still having some excitement with new things coming in each day.