• You’re projecting. I’ve been checking in with you between whipper snipping around my wife’s gardens. I’ve spent the entire day outside in the sun under a clear blue sky and now I’m watching YouTube videos and having a cold drink.

        You really are a sad, angry, pathetic person. I hope you eventually find happiness.

            • Muhh booma… you are just butthurt for being called out for bootlicking.

              You got a lot to learn about how the world works or don’t lol but bootlicking is no way to live a life for an adult man.

              •  MapleEngineer   ( @MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca ) 
                3 months ago

                I’m still touching grass. I’m touching so much grass that it clogged up my trimmer.

                My son, whose report card I just got and found out that he made honour role, just came out to find me to show me a beautiful French rolling pin he made on the lathe. I just had to add string to my trimmer so I thought I would check in on how your rage is going. I see it’s still going strong.

                I hope that one day you can find real happiness like I have.