It doesn’t matter if you’re a Labor fan, the good times won’t last. If you don’t install proportional representation this will come back to bite you in the ass as it has before.

    • Ah, but these numbers come from this past election.

      If we had PR then people would be more likely to vote Green because you don’t have to be tactical. Your vote goes to a Green seat, rather than voting for another party to keep Tories out.

      • Your comment confuses me. I never said there was anything anti-Green, just that the saddest part (for me) is that the green party is under represented in parliament in our existing fptp system.

        I fundamentally dislike reform and everything that they stand for, but it would be fair if they had proportional representation too.

    • Honestly if they weren’t anti nuclear they might get more votes. It is definitely a wedge issue for a lot of people. They are also anti car which is good! Except I have never met anyone who is also anti car.

      They also say weird things sometimes like wanting to reduce c sections and make birth a non medical event.

      • Honestly I’d take anti-nuclear over pro-fossil but yeah its not perfect.

        I think part of the problem is that their entire MO is built around expecting to only get 1 or 2 seats.

        I think they’d also get a lot more votes if people didn’t need to vote tactically. A lot of the left wing voters would be freed up to vote with an actual left wing party