Seriously, Joe, do you not know the stakes? “Sure, America fell to fascism, but I tried my best.” For fucks sake, Trump has straight up said he was going to be a dictator, and the Supreme Court will back him all the way. It’s unbelievable that all that stands between us and the fall of the republic is a man in his 80s who isn’t fully cognizant of the situation.

  • GTFOH with this bullshit.

    It’s really a shame that the President makes every single decision on his own and handles absolutely everything by himself. It would be a better system if we had some sort of “cabinet” of advisiors all focused on different areas of running the country. It would be more like an “administration” instead of just what we have, which is one single guy who does everything and look, Biden is too old to do all that. If only there was some other way that he could have some assistance…

    • This is an argument for why Biden is able to lead. Speaking for myself, I’m not so worried that Biden is unable to lead. He’s old and obviously slowing down, but he’s got decades of experience and, as you say, a whole administration’s worth of expertise.

      I’m worried that he is unable to win.

        • Leaving this comment here and cleaning up some of this thread.

          You’re welcome to disagree with each other. Discussion is definitely encouraged. This thread of comments, however, rapidly devolved into name calling.

          It’s understandable that you’re upset with what this person is advocating when this election is so important and you disagree with their idea, but we can’t have a nice space when you attack anyone who disagrees with you. A three sentence long comment calling people delusional isn’t being nice. Hopping into this post and telling the poster to leave with their bullshit is not nice. You need to give others the benefit of the doubt and treat them with good faith.

          • In the voting booth, incumbents ALWAYS have a MASSIVE advantage.

            Polling is incredibly unreliable. That is people that pick up the phone and talk to pollsters. Do you know anyone under 60 who does that? Additionally, a lot of those calls are on landlines. How many people do you know who have landlines? How many of those are under 60?

            The polls are heavily skewed towards boomers. This is the last election where boomers will be relevant. Millennials and Gen Z matter more in this election than ever before.

            Replacing an incumbent 3-4 months before an election is the stupidest fucking idea since trickle down economics.

            •  t3rmit3   ( ) 
              3 months ago

              Polling is incredibly unreliable. That is people that pick up the phone and talk to pollsters. Do you know anyone under 60 who does that? Additionally, a lot of those calls are on landlines. How many people do you know who have landlines? How many of those are under 60? The polls are heavily skewed towards boomers.

              All these incorrect assumptions of yours could have been answered simply by actually reading the poll report before making claims about it:

              On June 28, 2024, Data for Progress conducted a survey of 1,011 U.S. likely voters nationally using web panel respondents.


              Literally entirely online.

              Polling has long since shifted away from relying on landline cold-calls. And I agree that now is certainly sub-optimal for a change; that should have happened during the Primary (you know, where candidates present themselves to voters to find out who voters want), rather than the DNC pressuring other democrats out of running. But better late than never.

              In the end, you and I are probably never going to see eye-to-eye, because of one fundamental difference of beliefs; you believe Biden might win. I don’t.

              Since it seems clear that Biden isn’t going to step aside, I really hope you’re right and I’m wrong, but I’m not banking on it.

    • I suspect that most voters won’t even think about that. This is the same voterbase that likes to vote based on who they’d rather have a beer with. I’d rather have a more informed populace, obviously, but the powers that be keep control by encouraging political ignorance, or failing that, learned helplessness. In the U.S., people legitimately think liberalism is left wing. How many Americans are capable of actually defining socialism? I don’t want to infantilize people, but we’ve got to work with what we have, and what we have is a deeply propagandized population that’s choosing apathy and despair in the specter of fascism. Joe Biden’s approval rating is 37%. People do not like him. The media keeps hammering him because they want Trump back(Trump brings views and much of the mainstream media has been captured by billionaires). The margin of victory in the swing states last time was so slim that a few thousand staying home this time around would flip it. I would be fine with another Biden term. We could Weekend at Bernie’s him through and everything would be fine. I just have severe doubts that people would see it my way, and so I feel his electability has tanked.

      I really hope I’m wrong.