Environment@aussie.zone when viewed from my logged in beehaw account has 8 submissions.

Viewing from unlogged in aussie.zone has 4 submissions.

Can a logged in aussie.zone member tell me how many submissions they see in !environment@aussie.zone, please?

I’m aware this is not a likely aussie.zone problem, more of a federation issue that people are reporting all over Lemmy. Just be aware.

  • https://beehaw.org/post/661678

    This thread is a recent similar situation.

    It appears if they don’t show up after X hours, that deleting and resubmitting is the only option. But, you have to check if they have failed to federate manually because it looks totally normal on the poster’s end.

    The only way around this, perhaps for now, is to join the instance directly and centralise around your posts. Which defeats the point of federation. Hopefully they fix it. Some instances have increased their federation workers as a setting to clear the backlog but maybe there is only so much work they can do and some are missed.