*please note i deeply value and respect the vegan movement. i am just critical of how humorously it precipitates in online spaces, particularly this one. :)

  • it is especially frustrating coming from a person who would die if they just stopped eating meat (eating disorder), I have mentioned this online and gotten responses from these people saying that they think it would be better for me to starve to death than to eat meat. it makes me depressed to know that some people want me dead

    I am glad that people are able to go vegan but some of you go into a moralistic argument and act like everyone who eats meat is glad about it and gets off on torturing animals

    • I’m a vegan, and fuck those people.

      I’ve got a medical condition that meant I had to take it fairly slowly just it be sure my body wasn’t going to literally fall apart when I went vegan, luckily I’m doing well (in a few ways I’m actually much better off now, though I’m still scared of falling apart). Medical conditions are valid as hell for not going vegan, I wasn’t aware of how an eating disorder could prevent it but I’ve read a fair bit online now, so thankyou for sharing.

      One of the scariest moments of my life was when my friends and I were publically assaulted by a pair of very large vegan men who didn’t like that we weren’t vegan. I was vego at the time but sure as hell wasn’t going to tell them, people who act like that are an absolute disgrace and make me ashamed to be vegan. Veganism to me comes from a deep sense of empathy, if you can’t feel empathy for other people then you’re not a vegan as far as I’m concerned.

    • obviously this doesn’t work for everyone, but this is why i’m such a big proponent of meat alternatives

      having stuff like pea protein nuggets fortified with vitamin B12 and whatever else is an actually practical way to reduce meat consumption, if we make it possible to replace meat and barely notice that you’ve done so then everyone but the meat industry wins, which is even more of a win for the rest of us.