• Better make sure you support the lefties then if you don’t want a nazi government. Liberals have historically proven themselves to support nazis over leftists during a revolution, I hope you will do differently if you actually believe what you say.

      • Let’s give the land back to the Native Americans then! Surely they can’t do worse than our inherently corrupt, atrocious system, right?

        Certainly if we are “first past the post” and our biggest hope for change and “most progressive” president is a bigoted genocidaire, we’re better with them in charge, agreed?

        • certainly sir right you are

          but, just one more thing

          i don’t think a group of people that the state has spent centuries stamping out are in a position to successfully hold together a country as wide-spread and diverse as the united states, so i feel like just handing it over with no other intervention is as good as a free for all, and i think that just leads to a right wing takeover

            • That’s not what they’re saying. They say that if you gave land back right now, you’d have massive violence against natives and likely other marginalized people by the fascists that have been building militias for years now. A revolution needs popular support, and I just don’t see that at the moment.

              Voting will also not change that. But neither will not voting, at least not for the better. Treat it like a chore, like you’re taking out the trash. That won’t clean your house, but if you don’t, you’re gonna live in filth before long.

              Liberals think that voting is the end of politics, but that’s where the actual work begins. Organize your workplace, your local community and with marginalized people. Build the support needed to tear this fucked up, cruel and callous system down. So when the collapse comes, fascism will not win. The people will.

            • sorry sir i don’t believe i said that

              i believe i said i oppose returning the land to native groups with a completely hands-off approach because it would most likely lead to a right-wing uprising within the country, which would ultimately strip said native groups of their newly held rights anyway

            • Look i read a lot of your stuff and agree with a bunch of it and disagree with a bunch which is fine but NEVER downplay the terrors nazi Germany caused again. You don’t know shit about anything if you think the US is more genocidal and racist than nazi Germany. The US is a shit country with a broken system that lets you choose between trash and a dumpster fire but holy shit was Nazi Germany bad. You seem to be from the US so maybe you don’t get taught a lot about it. Yes, the US is complicit in genocide but there’s levels to it. The Germans were worse, they’d tell you to pack all your important belongings if you were a Jew or anyone else on their list of undesirables. Then they’d throw you in a train after taking all your important belongings you so neatly sorted for them so they don’t have to put big effort into searching your place for riches. You’d get treated as an animal in a container and brought to a camp, split up from your family. At this point your fate almost certainly was death. You’d get put to work. Near constant work with not enough food to sustain your body so you’d slowly decrease more and more day after day until you die. You might also get your still alive body experimented on in full pain by doctors. If the camp was already too full for new arrivals (as they didn’t just go after their own population but they waged war all over and put more and more people in camps) or if they just felt like it they’d put you down like an animal, be it gas chambers or other methods. Like i get that the prison system in the US is ethnically targeted slavery and the US has and had their fingers in a lot of fucked up shit but don’t ever use fucking nazi Germany for your hyperbole again.