• We have committed more genocide

    by what metric?

    total number of genocides participated in, maybe…?

    but the state isn’t building death camps, and if you compare the death toll in Palestine to those in Nazi Germany it’s a stark difference

    exploiting workers to death for economic benefit is very objectionably inexcusable, but by definition not genocide, and by attempting to reposition it as such you’re lessening the definition of genocide rather than helping the plight of those abused by capitalism

    yes, i think allowing the machine of capitalism to churn through lives incidentally is at least marginally better than building a machine specifically designed to churn through as many lives as possible in as short a window as possible

    very obviously neither should be happening at all, and the fact either is is frankly disgusting, but you were the one who decided to directly compare them

    and are currently more fascistic than Nazi Germany.

    again, the fact you’re able to type this is proof that it’s false