•  poVoq   ( @poVoq@slrpnk.net ) 
    2 months ago

    Arg, this is so silly. Car batteries were never going to be a huge market, and if at all we need cheaper and smaller EVs, which of course also require only smaller batteries with likely a lower profit margin.

    Yet there is a huge, largely untapped market of stationary batteries. Both at utility scale to stabilise grids that are mostly fed by renewables, and at household scale. Every home with solar pannels should also have a sufficiently sized battery pack. It’s a real added benefit, especially if utility companies would finally offer electricity prices based on demand over the day to private end users.

    • Worth noting that utility scale is always going to be cheaper overall than pushing costs onto the household scale, especially as more and more of the cost of a battery system is in the wiring and inverter rather than the cells themselves.

      •  poVoq   ( @poVoq@slrpnk.net ) 
        2 months ago

        True, but that most utilities are refusing to pass on the low costs of electricity during certain times on the day / year is making it double disadvantageous for households. If regulators can fix that, I think a lot more people will consider installing batteries in their home for other reasons than just maximum efficiency.