A new climate change map shows predictions for just how devastated the future climate will be in various places around the world. The map, which is called The Future Urban Climates, allows interested users to explore how their home area’s climate might change going forward.

The data used to create the map comes from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and it was created by University of Maryland spatial ecologist Matthew Fitzpatrick to showcase the future of climate change up to 2080.

Of course, all of the changes showcased on the climate change map are just predictions based on current trends of extreme storms, fires, floods, droughts, heat waves, and cold snaps—all of which continue to hit us harder each year.

    • This is meant as a prediction of how could things could be based on current trends and data, not an inevitable future we can do nothing about. There are many constructive things that can be done. I don’t think leaving sarcastic comments on message boards is one of them.

      • Wasn’t meant to be sarcastic, my b. Climate change seriously worries me & I’d like to do as much as I can to help change that, but also, I am one person so it’s easy to spiral when taking notice of other’s actions around me 🌀

        • I’m sorry for misreading your comment. Seeing un-constructive comments elsewhere probably prejudiced me. These are definitely upsetting statistics and those feelings are valid. Good news is they’re only inevitable if we allow them to be so hopefully we can influence others to take action as individuals for collective change and liberation.

          • No worries @ all! 😇😊 in hindsight I can see how that came off like a douchebag comment but I appreciate the constructive criticism & opportunity to starting a dialogue to be able to take action! I definitely want to learn about what I can do as an individual to help inspire change within my sphere of influence. We are all stronger together! ☮️💟

    • Build community. Actively engage your representative’s offices by phone and by letter - even printing the script from 5calls and mailing it is more impactful than sending a form email. Build community. Invest in mutual aid networks with your neighbors by providing what you have if and when they need it and by asking them for help. If you have the space and bandwidth, grow and share food with those who don’t to help them free up some of their own bandwidth and encourage them to engage when they can. Build community. Engage with your local government and push for mitigation efforts and for climate-focused projects. Bring the community you’re building to help push for these projects. Give yourself the grace to know that it’s not just on you and that countless others like you are pushing towards those same goals where they are.