• CNN? The channel that recently spent hours dissecting every stutter and stumble Biden made and just plain refused to talk about the vicious lies and ad hom attacks Trump spent the entire debate spewing, and just didn’t find it worth mentioning how he avoided answering several super important questions? That’s who they think the left gets news from?

    Like, at least put the NPR on there lol.

      • Yeah, it’s hard to explain in the US and Canada, where there are only two major parties, that they don’t represent two ends of a political spectrum. They’re just two dominant parties that have different ideas; on a lot of things, they even agree and don’t hide it.

        I wish we, as kids in society, had learned more about specific right-wing and left-wing policies in history and civics so that this distinction could be made more clear. Or at least that we were taught what liberalism is and what neoliberalism is and how they’re different.

        But we didn’t and weren’t, so when people think “liberal” they think “left,” and we’re all worse off for it.

    • Their change has been fairly recent. They have a right winger running the show now and he wants to court more Republicans.

      He was even quoted as saying (paraphrasing) “fox news has a good model to emulate, all opinion shows surrounding an actual news show.”


        • That’s not what they mean, they already are separated they just act like they’re news and have the little “opinion” thing on the bottom of the screen for legal purposes.

          What CNN seems to be saying is they want more opinion shows than actual news. When your show is classified as opinion you can lie as much as you want as long as it’s not slandering a corporation that will sue you (dominion and fox)