• Actually I did know the amount and kind of work it required, as I have being working on game projects before (I’m sound designer, music composer and game designer).

      It’s not really dumb yes, but a bit sad when you think about it.

      • Ok, it makes it juuuust a little bit dumb, I give you that! :D (just joking). I like that you was determined to do it, even if it meant to go through all of this.

        Once Miyamoto said (I have a book with interviews of Game Designers) that a Game Designer should understand programmers, in order to be efficient. Or something with those lines. So don’t think it is sad, make it a positive power you would have missed, if that would not happen. Sorry if I’m a bit too optimistic in my views.

        • You’re right, but it wasn’t how I took it a the time.

          The underlying message I receive was that if you don’t pay enough or you don’t make people dream Steve jobs style, you won’t get anyone to work with you.

          I’m lucky, I do have the drive and I can take the time to learn news things and I get to meet some wonderful people along the way. But that’s just me being lucky.

          Sorry for venting, but I do think curiosity should be on both side.