• Biden may very well not survive to the election. Plenty of people were raising concerns about his age and the physical and mental decline that were patently obvious four years ago, and were briskly told to shut the fuck up.

    Run Harris. That’s the solution, because the democrats are allergic to actually cultivating new leaders.

    • Run Harris. That’s the solution, because the democrats are allergic to actually cultivating new leaders.

      But, how does that work? Does the DNC just declare a new candidate without an election? What kind of rules are there for this sort of thing?

      • If there is a rule written down somewhere, then follow those rules if they want.

        The DNC is a private organization, they can do whatever they want for whatever reason they want.

        It probably wouldn’t make everyone happy if they skipped steps in their normal procedures, but I say “When has the DNC ever cared about making everyone happy?” It’s a big tent with a foundation of begrudging compromise. Some people will be upset, but they have months to get over it.