• also german here. the demo i recently went to was cut short by police for no apparent reason.

    also many others are being blocked by the cops before they get to happen.

    this country is also raiding organizers homes and recently banned a group called “palästina solidarität duisburg” which organized protests as well.

    and its all happening in the name of what they call “staatsräson” or some vague ideas of chants like “from the river to the sea, palestine will be free” being antisemitic.

    lastly, the idea that cops give a shit abt following the law is ridiculous if u ask me

    • chants like “from the river to the sea, palestine will be free” being antisemitic.

      Iirc this can fall under antisemitism as it impies the wish to “destroy” izzy. I don’t agree, but thats why.

      Even though you’re right about a lot of this, checking news’ sources is always important, especially now.

    • I hate that so few people do not get that anti zionism is not anti semitic, fucking all or nothing thinking, makes me angry 😤

      Like, as if i’m not allowed to hate war fanatics just because they happen to be jews?!

      Fuck all religion.