•  Ctri   ( @Ctri@beehaw.org ) 
    362 months ago

    Peaceful protest should not be a cause for government punishment at all, this sentence is absolutely insane and should be revoked at the earliest convenience.

    The new government should restore our right to protest policies without fear of imprisonment.

    • There is nothing peaceful about blocking traffic.

      It is first off illegal to protest on a busy road unless you’ve acquired a permit and have a way to redirect traffic. What they were doing were illegal protests.

      Second, it doesn’t matter what your message is. If you block traffic, you are the biggest cunt there is, and you are actively harming your own cause by showing the world what kind of people you are. If you’ve seen the videos, and read the comments, you know that 99% of the people are cheering when angry drivers pull the protesters by their hair out of the streets.

      • The entitlement of some people the moment they have a car. “Somebody took 20min of my time, they literally deserve 5 years in jail and to be assaulted in public.”. You’re sick, nothing your doing is important, sit in traffic and seeth. If you don’t like it, take the train.