Rewatching The Expanse for the nth time. It always cracks me up to see Bobby Draper stuffing those cucumber sandwiches into her face. Do you want some?

    • Yes. Absolutely yes.

      I was in the same boat…could not get into the whole “space cop with fedora”.

      Finally after the 3rd or 4th try I got to episode 4 and damn…if that dude didn’t have one of the best storylines, I forgave him for wearing the hat.

      The series does have a few loose ends that didn’t make sense, but fwiw it’s a great series to watch…tough out the first couple episodes and you’ll be fine.

    • CQB, the third episode is what gets a lot of people hooked.

      But it still doesn’t explain much about what’s going on, that takes the whole of season 1, so it varies a lot for people how much they have to push through to get into it.

      I was hooked on episode one, the respect for orbital physics with that first flip and burn told me I was in for a ride.