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George Conway, the recently divorced ex-husband of former Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway, has launched a new political action committee aimed at preventing Donald Trump from returning to the White House in 2024.

The Anti-Psychopath PAC, as it’s called, will work to “highlight the existential threat Donald Trump poses to democracy and remind voters of the former president’s mental unfitness for office.”


“The failure to treat Trump’s behavior as pathological has led the media and the country, perversely, to treat it as normal,” Conway said in an interview explaining the rationale behind the Anti-Psychopath PAC. “And that’s a big reason why we’re seeing the double standard being applied to the candidates today.”

By Conway’s assessment, Trump’s concerning mental state and frequent bouts of erratic behavior have been brushed aside and normalized by the press and public. He hopes the new PAC can shift the narrative by rigorously scrutinizing Trump’s psychology and fitness for office to the same degree as President Biden’s.

  • The sad truth is that part of being a narcissist, psychopath, or sociopath is not accepting any flaws. These three types of disorders are self-sustaining; their inherent nature makes it almost impossible to change for the better.

    They are classified as personality disorders because they involve stable, deeply ingrained patterns of behavior and thought, rather than episodic disruptions typical of mental illnesses. Treatment is challenging due to the ingrained nature of these traits, lack of self-awareness, and resistance to change. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and other therapeutic approaches can help manage symptoms but cannot cure the fundamental personality traits. The primary goal is to mitigate the disorder’s impact on the individual’s life and those around them.