Metro Vancouver was in the middle of its “Go By Bike” Week – and the country in the midst of a wildfire crisis – when the mayor’s ABC Party sent out a congratulatory tweet about the removal of most of a temporary bike lane from Stanley Park.

“More access to more users again,” the municipal party that forms the majority on Vancouver’s City Council and Park Board trumpeted on June 1, as it recognized the Park Board for its “hard work” on the matter. (…)

  • So you’re all taking up a collection to buy the failing businesses whose revenue tanked with the loss of vehicle traffic, or how’s the buyout going to work exactly?

    I wanna know how the bicyclerati plans to unify action with talk, aside from some manifesto for a fantasy world?

    As a 100% métro user, I say group the squishy people together and away from the big metal objects. They bury the people who had the right of way when they were run over by a jacked up dodge the same place as the ones who didn’t.